We NEED your HELP!! If we are to continue our rescue efforts, we need help. There are so many things that go into rescue and supplies are used up faster than we can acquire them. We are not asking for money, we are asking you to please take a look around and see if you have any items that you can spare.

Rugs (bathroom type or similar in size)
Toilet seat covers (the dogs LOVE to sleep on them)
Dog Beds


Exercise Pens or even Pack N' Plays
Dog Food
Rice (we make chicken and rice for some of the dogs that come in emaciated or sick)
Gift Cards (prefer Tractor Supply since that is where we buy our food and some
supplies, it's less expensive than those big pet stores)
Heating Pads or Heat Lamps (again, we get in sick dogs and under aged pups that need to keep warm)
Dog Houses
Dog Dishes (prefer metal or ceramic, but will take any)
Shavings (regular pine shavings, we use a lot)
NEWS PAPER (everyone has news papers, why not save them for us??)
Baby Wash
Clippers (to clean up some of the horribly matted dogs that come in)
Please check around the house, any donation is appreciated no matter how small, every little bit helps!